1. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to how long it takes to learn a language. It depends on several factors such as desired proficiency level, prior language learning experience, time commitment, and learning method.

2. The Foreign Service Institute (FSI) categorizes languages based on difficulty for native English speakers. Their benchmarks may be found on their website under FSI Language Difficulty Ratings.

3. While many say it is generally easier for children to acquire a new language, adults can also become proficient in a second language. The variables are the methods and speed of acquisition.

4. Cultural norms and values shape communication patterns. These include verbal and nonverbal cues, gestures, and interpersonal interactions.

5. One's culture can influence decision-making processes. These may include anything from views toward taking risks, the importance of hierarchy and authority, and navigating cultural contexts in business, politics, and everyday life.

6. Learning about one's heritage culture can nurture a sense of belonging and connection to one's roots.